Cbrutekrag - Penetration Tests On SSH Servers Using Brute Force Or Dictionary Attacks. Written In C

Penetration tests on SSH servers using dictionary attacks. Written in C.

brute krag means "brute force" in afrikáans


This tool is for ethical testing purpose only.
cbrutekrag and its owners can't be held responsible for misuse by users.
Users have to act as permitted by local law rules.



cbrutekrag uses libssh - The SSH Library (http://www.libssh.org/)



  • make
  • gcc compiler
  • libssh-dev
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/matricali/cbrutekrag.gitcd cbrutekragmakemake install

Static build


  • cmake
  • gcc compiler
  • make
  • libssl-dev
  • libz-dev
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/matricali/cbrutekrag.gitcd cbrutekragbash static-build.shmake install


OpenSSH Brute force tool 0.5.0 __/ | (c) Copyright 2014-2022 Jorge Matricali |___/ usage: ./cbrutekrag [-h] [-v] [-aA] [-D] [-P] [-T TARGETS.lst] [-C combinations.lst] [-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT.txt] [TARGETS...] -h This help -v Verbose mode -V Verbose mode (sshlib) -s Scan mode -D Dry run -P Progress bar -T <targets> Targets file -C <combinations> Username and password file -t <threads> Max threads -o <output> Output log file -a Accepts non OpenSSH servers -A Allow servers detected as honeypots." dir="auto">
$ cbrutekrag -h       _                _       _      | |              | |     | |  ___ | |__  _ __ _   _| |_ ___| | ___ __ __ _  __ _ / __|| '_ \| '__| | | | __/ _ \ |/ / '__/ _` |/ _` || (__ | |_) | |  | |_| | ||  __/   <| | | (_| | (_| | \___||_.__/|_|   \__,_|\__\___|_|\_\_|  \__,_|\__, |          OpenSSH Brute force tool 0.5.0        __/ |      (c) Copyright 2014-2022 Jorge Matricali  |___/usage: ./cbrutekrag [-h] [-v] [-aA] [-D] [-P] [-T TARGETS.lst] [-C combinations.lst]		[-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT.txt] [TARGETS...]  -h                This help  -v                Verbose mode  -V                Verbose mode (sshlib)  -s                Scan mode  -D                Dry run  -P                Progress bar  -T <targets>      Targets file  -C <combinations> Username and password file  -t <threads>      Max threads  -o <output>       Output log file  -a                Accepts non OpenSSH servers  -A                Allow servers detected as honeypots.

Example usages

cbrutekrag -T targets.txt -C combinations.txt -o result.logcbrutekrag -s -t 8 -C combinations.txt -o result.log

Supported targets syntax


Combinations file format

root rootroot passwordroot $BLANKPASS$

Source: www.kitploit.com
Cbrutekrag - Penetration Tests On SSH Servers Using Brute Force Or Dictionary Attacks. Written In C Cbrutekrag - Penetration Tests On SSH Servers Using Brute Force Or Dictionary Attacks. Written In C Reviewed by Zion3R on 7:28 PM Rating: 5