WEF - Wi-Fi Exploitation Framework

A fully offensive framework to the 802.11 networks and protocols with different types of attacks for WPA and WEP, automated hash cracking, bluetooth hacking and much more.

  • I recommend you my alfa adapter: Alfa AWUS036ACM, which works really great with both, 2.4 and 5 Ghz

Tested and supported in Kali Linux, Parrot OS, Arch Linux and Ubuntu

*However it's not finished and may have issues, try it at your own risk.*

If you have any issue please, contact me or create a issue


  • Deauthentication Attack
  • Authentication Attack
  • Beacon Flood Attack
  • PKMID Attack
  • EvilTwin Attack
  • Passive/Stealthy Attack
  • Pixie Dust Attack
  • Null Pin Attack
  • Chopchop Attack
  • Replay Attack
  • Michael Exploitation Attack
  • Caffe-Latte Attack
  • Jamming, Reading and Writing bluetooth connections
  • GPS Spoofing with HackRF


  • Log generator
  • WPA/WPA2, WPS and WEP Attacks
  • Auto handshake cracking
  • Multiple templates for EvilTwin attack
  • Check monitor mode and it status
  • 2Ghz and 5Ghz attacks
  • Custom wordlist selector
  • Auto detect requirements
  • Bluetooth support (Jamming, Reading, Writing)


Common usage of the framework

wef -i wlan0 # Your interface name might be different


wef --interface wlan0

Once the application is working, type 'help' to view more functions and useful info.

If you don't want to scan APs with every attack you can do something like this:

set name my-wifi # To especify the name to attackset time 60 # To define the total duration of the attacks that ask for the timeset packets 15 # To define the amount of packets that some attacks will send


Don't install them manually, WEF takes care of that if you don't already have them



Checkout the Wiki


Demo on a Parrot OS with Kitty terminal

Created by D3Ext


If you are using bspwm, you can add this line to your bspwmrc for launching the xterm windows always beeing in floating mode (for a prettier design)

bspc rule -a XTerm state=floating

Copyright © 2022, D3Ext

Source: www.kitploit.com
WEF - Wi-Fi Exploitation Framework WEF - Wi-Fi Exploitation Framework Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:33 AM Rating: 5