Web-Brutator - Modular Web Interfaces Bruteforcer

Fast Modular Web Interfaces Bruteforcer

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

$ python3 web-brutator.py -h __      __      ___.            __________                __          __                /  \    /  \ ____\_ |__          \______   \_______ __ ___/  |______ _/  |_  ___________ \   \/\/   // __ \| __ \   ______ |    |  _/\_  __ \  |  \   __\__  \   __\ /  _ \_  _ _\ \        /\  ___/| \_\ \ /_____/ |    |   \ |  | \/  |  /|  |  / __ \|  | (  <_> )  | \/  \__/\  /  \___  >___  /         |______  / |__|  |____/ |__| (____  /__|  \____/|__|          \/       \/    \/                 \/                         \/                                                                                           Version 0.2usage: web-brutator.py [-h] [--url URL] [--target TYPE] [-u USERNAME]                       [-U USERLIST] [-p PASSWORD] [-P PASSLIST]                       [-C COMBOLIST] [-t THREADS] [-s] [-v] [-e MAX_ERRORS]                       [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-l]op   tional arguments:  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit  --url URL                    Target URL  --target TYPE                Target type  -u, --username USERNAME      Single username  -U, --userlist USERLIST      Usernames list  -p, --password PASSWORD      Single password  -P, --passlist PASSLIST      Passwords list  -C, --combolist COMBOLIST    Combos username:password list  -t, --threads THREADS        Number of threads [1-50] (default: 10)  -s, --stoponsuccess          Stop on success  -v, --verbose                Print every tested creds  -e, --max-errors MAX_ERRORS  Number of accepted consecutive errors (default: 10)  --timeout TIMEOUT            Time limit on the response (default: 20s)  -l, -   -list-modules           Display list of modules


python3 web-brutator.py --target jenkins --url https://mytarget.com -U ./usernames.txt -P ./passwords.txt -s -t 40

Available Modules
  • axis2
  • coldfusion
  • glassfish
  • htaccess
  • jboss
  • jenkins
  • joomla
  • railo
  • standardform
  • tomcat
  • weblogic
  • websphere

Notice: Some products implement account lockout after a given number of failed authentication attempts, by default (e.g. Weblogic, Tomcat...). web-brutator notices the user at the beginning of bruteforce attack it is the case. Take this into account before launching bruteforce on such targets.

Standard Web Authentication Form Auto-Detection

web-brutator can automatically detect standard web authentication forms and perform bruteforce automatically. This feature is available via the module standardform, it is still experimental and can lead to false positives/negatives since it is based on several heuristics.

Not supported:

  • Web authentication using Javascript;
  • Authentication with CAPTCHA;
  • 2-step authentication ...


python3 web-brutator.py --target standardform --url https://mytarget.com -U ./usernames.txt -P ./passwords.txt -s -t 40 -v

Add Module / Contribute

Adding a new authentication bruteforce module is pretty straightforward:

  1. Create a new file with appropriate name under lib/core/modules/
  2. Create a class in this file, using the following template. Development is very easy, check any existing module under lib/core/modules/ for some examples. Note that HTTP requests should be done via the static methods provided by Requester class: Requester.get(), Requester.post(), Requester.http_auth().
#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from lib.core.Exceptions import AuthException, RequestExceptionfrom lib.core.Logger import loggerfrom lib.core.Requester import AuthMode, Requesterclass Mymodule:    def __init__(self, url, verbose=False):        self.url = url        # Other self variables can go here    def check(self):    	"""    	This method is used to detect the presence of the targeted authentication    	interface.    	:return: Boolean indicating if the authentication interface has been detected    	"""    	# Implement code here    def try_auth(self, username, password):    	"""    	This method is used to perform one authentication attempt.    	:param str username: Username to check    	:param str password: Password to check    	:return: Boolean indicating authentication status    	:raise AuthException:    	"   ""        # Implement code here        
  1. Module is then automatically available (check using -l option) from the command-line.
  2. Test the module to make sure it is working as expected !
  3. Make a pull request to add the module to the project ;)

Source: feedproxy.google.com
Web-Brutator - Modular Web Interfaces Bruteforcer Web-Brutator - Modular Web Interfaces Bruteforcer Reviewed by Anonymous on 3:40 AM Rating: 5