Maryam V1.4.0 - Open-source Intelligence(OSINT) Framework

OWASP Maryam is an Open-source intelligence(OSINT) and Web-based Footprinting modular/tool framework based on the Recon-ng and written in Python. If you have skill in Metasploit or Recon-ng, you can easily use it without prerequisites. And if not, please read the Quick Guide.

What can be done
If you want
  • Extracts Emails, Docs, Subdomains, Social networks from search engines
  • Extracts Links, CSS and JS files, CDN links, Emails, Keywords from Web Source
  • Find and Brute force DNS, TLD and important directs
  • Crawl Web Pages and search your RegExp
  • Identify WebApps, WAF, Interesting and important files
  • And get report with several format
Use Maryam





Modules Guide
Bugs, requests, or any other issues please Contact me

Maryam V1.4.0 - Open-source Intelligence(OSINT) Framework Maryam V1.4.0 - Open-source Intelligence(OSINT) Framework Reviewed by Anonymous on 4:39 AM Rating: 5