PACK - Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit

PACK (Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit) is a collection of utilities developed to aid in analysis of password lists in order to enhance password cracking through pattern detection of masks, rules, character-sets and other password characteristics. The toolkit generates valid input files for Hashcat family of password crackers.

NOTE: The toolkit itself is not able to crack passwords, but instead designed to make operation of password crackers more efficient.

The most basic analysis that you can perform is simply obtaining most common length, character-set and other characteristics of passwords in the provided list. In the example below, we will use 'rockyou.txt' containing approximately 14 million passwords. Launch with the following command line:
$ python rockyou.txt

Below is the output from the above command:
StatsGen #.#.# | |
_ __ __ _ ___| | _
| '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ /
| |_) | (_| | (__| <
| .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\
| |

[*] Analyzing passwords in [rockyou.txt]
[+] Analyzing 100% (14344390/14344390) of passwords
NOTE: Statistics below is relative to the number of analyzed passwords, not
total number of passwords

[*] Length:
[+] 8: 20% (2966037)
[+] 7: 17% (2506271)
[+] 9: 15% (2191039)
[+] 10: 14% (2013695)
[+] 6: 13% (1947798)

[*] Character-set:
[+] loweralphanum: 42% (6074867)
[+] loweralpha: 25% (3726129)
[+] numeric: 16% (2346744)
[+] loweralphaspecialnum: 02% (426353)
[+] upperalphanum: 02% (407431)

[*] Password complexity:
[+] digit: min(0) max(255)
[+] lower: min(0) max(255)
[+] upper: min(0) max(187)
[+] special: min(0) max(255)

[*] Simple Masks:
[+] stringdigit: 37% (5339556)
[+] string: 28% (4115314)
[+] digit: 16% (2346744)
[+] digitstring: 04% (663951)
[+] othermask: 04% (576324)

[*] Advanced Masks:
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 04% (687991)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l: 04% (601152)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 04% (585013)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 03% (516830)
[+] ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d: 03% (487429)

PACK - Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit PACK - Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit Reviewed by Anonymous on 1:25 AM Rating: 5