Smith - A Very Quick And Very Dirty Client/Server Tool For Testing Firewalls

A client/server style agent meant for testing connectivity to and from a machine on a network.

python install or pip install . should install smith. Note: If you want to use the tcp/udp protocol options, you'll need to install scapy and it's dependencies. Ubuntu has 'apt-get install python-scapy'. You can also pip install scapy, but I don't know if that installs all dependencies on all OS's. I didn't include scapy in the requires because the 'rest' option doesn't utilize it, and is sufficient for a lot of usecases on its own.

Functions: ping and listen

$: smith ping -h
   Initiate a port-specific ping against a listening agent
 positional arguments:
   port                  The port the remote agent is listening on
   destination           IPv4 address of the server the remote agent is
                         listening on
   {TCP,UDP,REST}        Protocol to use to contact the remote agent. TCP and
                         UDP use raw sockets which will bypass IPTABLES rules.
 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                         Seconds to wait for response from server before giving
                         up. Zero means 'wait forever'

$: smith ping 12345 REST --timeout 10

$: smith listen -h
  Server-side: listen for incoming ping requests from remote client.
 positional arguments:
   port            The port the remote client is pinging
   {TCP,UDP,REST}  Protocol to use to contact the remote agent.TCP and UDP use
                   raw sockets which will bypass IPTABLES rules.
 optional arguments:
   -h, --help      show this help message and exit

$: smith ping 12345 REST --timeout 10

Smith - A Very Quick And Very Dirty Client/Server Tool For Testing Firewalls Smith - A Very Quick And Very Dirty Client/Server Tool For Testing Firewalls Reviewed by Anonymous on 7:04 AM Rating: 5