Electronegativity - Tool To Identify Misconfigurations And Security Anti-Patterns In Electron Applications

Electronegativity is a tool to identify misconfigurations and security anti-patterns in Electron-based applications.
It leverages AST and DOM parsing to look for security-relevant configurations, as described in the "Electron Security Checklist - A Guide for Developers and Auditors" whitepaper.
Software developers and security auditors can use this tool to detect and mitigate potential weaknesses and implementation bugs when developing applications using Electron. A good understanding of Electron (in)security is still required when using Electronegativity, as some of the potential issues detected by the tool require manual investigation.
If you're interested in Electron Security, have a look at our BlackHat 2017 research Electronegativity - A Study of Electron Security and keep an eye on the Doyensec's blog.

Major releases are pushed to NPM and can be simply installed using:
$ npm install @doyensec/electronegativity -g

$ electronegativity -h
Option Description
-V output the version number
-i, --input input (directory, .js, .htm, .asar)
-o, --output save the results to a file in csv or sarif format
-h, --help output usage information
Using electronegativity to look for issues in a directory containing an Electron app:
$ electronegativity -i /path/to/electron/app
Using electronegativity to look for issues in an asar archive and saving the results in a csv file:
$ electronegativity -i /path/to/asar/archive -o result.csv
Note: if you're running into the Fatal Error "JavaScript heap out of memory", you can run node using node --max-old-space-size=4096 electronegativity -i /path/to/asar/archive -o result.csv

Electronegativity was made possible thanks to the work of Claudio Merloni, Ibram Marzouk, Jaroslav Lobačevski and many other contributors.
This work has been sponsored by Doyensec LLC.

Source: feedproxy.google.com
Electronegativity - Tool To Identify Misconfigurations And Security Anti-Patterns In Electron Applications Electronegativity - Tool To Identify Misconfigurations And Security Anti-Patterns In Electron Applications Reviewed by Anonymous on 12:54 PM Rating: 5