Does Anti-Hacking Software Even Exist? – The Truth Revealed

Apart from a virus attack, one of the most terrifying online threats is hacking.

Getting hacked can result in the invasion of privacy, disclosure of personal details, financial loss, social embarrassment and much more.

That’s why people seek out anti-hacking software downloads to take care of these situations.

However, consumers often fail to find the right solution or fall for some useless (often dangerous) application instead.

So what is the best Anti-Hacking tool?

Common sense and cyber security awareness.

No, I am not trying to be clever or give you a vague solution. It really is that simple.

Let’s begin with how a hacking attempt can be executed:

1. Exploiting a Security Loophole in Your System or Software

Hackers can inject a malicious script into a user’s computer if there is a loophole in the system. To avoid that, it is recommended that your Windows Operating system should be always updated and security patches should never be ignored.

In addition to those steps, most vulnerable software platforms like Java and Flash should be avoided. If that’s not possible, they should be at least configured to the auto-update setting.

There are anti-exploit software products available on the market, but as long as you keep your software up-to-date and patched, they are probably not necessary.

There is no doubt that zero-day malware can slip into your system because neither a user nor a developer is aware of it. So, the question of a patch release doesn’t arise.

In such an event, a behavior blocker program can come into play. MalwareFox Antimalware is one such program that can protect from Zero-day attacks and unauthorized malware infiltration.

2. Attacking with Advanced Malware

An operating system forms the outer layer of defense for your computer, but simply keeping things up to date just isn’t enough. Most readers might have guessed by now that Antivirus software is needed here.

Let me tell you the truth, hackers are very clever. They will use sophisticated malware that can bypass traditional antivirus programs easily and sneak inside your system without user consent.

So, I would recommend a layered security configuration, not just for corporations, but also for individual users.

An antivirus program on any computer should be complemented by an effective Anti-malware solution like MalwareFox. It protects you from Trojan, spyware and other data-stealing malware, which may result in you getting hacked.

3. Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks

Hackers don’t just rely on malware to get a hold of a user’s account. They can even play a psychological game with a user’s mind and trick them into giving out their credentials.

Phishing is one such technique in which a user is presented with a fake page that resembles a genuine one. On this page, the user will be prompted to enter their personal information, which will in turn be sent over to the hacker remotely.

Another example is an email from someone claiming to be an authority (maybe a bank or PayPal). The email might ask for confirming details over an email conversation or a phone call.

If you give out information in such cases, you are bound to be hacked.

To avoid these kind of attacks, no software can help you out. There are web browser filters that may warn about phishing attempts, but in case they don’t, a user has to be careful.

You should never download email attachments from unknown senders. Software should be downloaded only from trusted sources and you should avoid clicking on links in an email.

4. Keylogger

Recording keystroke input on a user’s computer is one of the most obvious ways of stealing their credentials. That’s what keylogger does. It can be installed as hardware attached to a USB port on your computer or installed as software.

If you are already using MalwareFox anti-malware, you are already covered as it includes an anti-logger module. It not only protects the recording of key strokes, but also prevents any program that takes snapshots of your screen and sends them remotely to a hacker.

On the preventive side, you can make use of a virtual keyboard for typing in sensitive information. To take this idea further, opt for a Password manager like LastPass, which can generate secure passwords and fill them in automatically with one click.

The Truth About Anti-hacking Software

The majority of the software programs promoted as anti-hacking tools from various websites are actually anti-malware programs. Protection from malware is necessary as it is the hacker’s sweetest spot to enter into your computer system.

Anything apart from that is just plain useless. These developers are just trying to make the real solution too complex for an average computer user to understand.

To wrap it up: the best anti-hacking weapons are common sense and cyber-security awareness.

Does Anti-Hacking Software Even Exist? – The Truth Revealed Does Anti-Hacking Software Even Exist? – The Truth Revealed Reviewed by Anonymous on 3:43 AM Rating: 5